Unity Asset Store and its comparison to open source communities

This is originally a post I wrote on dev.to. See the original post here. I’ve had my fair share of development experience with both native iOS and React Native development for the last couple of years. What immensely helps with the development process is the existence of centralized package managers (CPM from now on) like npm and CocoaPods, and the open source communities that mainly revolve around them. Unity3D is the most widely used game engine out there and it […]

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A New Chapter

Last September, I started graduate school at Bilkent University for my MSc. degree in Computer Engineering. Unlike what I’ve studied for the most part in my undergraduate studies (which was artificial intelligence), I decided to focus on computer graphics for my graduate studies. The reason for this, as people who know me would guess, is simple: video games. Now, of course you don’t really need a Master’s degree to make anything related to video games. Hell, you don’t even need […]

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GGJ ’15’in ardından

Bu sene de geçen sene olduğu gibi Global Game Jam’e Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi’nin Galata Kampüsü’nde katıldım. Etkinlikten sonra söylemek istediklerim var. Üç gün boyunca saçma sapan abur cubur yiyip toplamda 4 saat falan uyuyarak (bunu kendine yapan bir tek benim bu arada, takım arkadaşlarım hayvan gibi uyudular) Dilemma adlı bir oyun çıkardık ortaya. İki kişilik, görselleri çok tatlı bir oyun oldu bence. Mekaniklerinde hafif sıkıntı var. Yine de beraber oynadığınız kişiye bağırma ve “vurucam iki tane ağzına” deme isteği uyandırabiliyor ama. […]

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