Unity Asset Store and its comparison to open source communities

This is originally a post I wrote on dev.to. See the original post here. I’ve had my fair share of development experience with both native iOS and React Native development for the last couple of years. What immensely helps with the development process is the existence of centralized package managers (CPM from now on) like npm and CocoaPods, and the open source communities that mainly revolve around them. Unity3D is the most widely used game engine out there and it […]

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Pokémon GO: Augmented Reality or not?

It’s been a couple of months since Pokémon GO came out along with the endless debate about whether it should be considered Augmented Reality or not. I know the topic is old now but I’ve been working on my masters thesis and, hey, what better source of procrastination could there be other than contributing to this debate? The short answer for this is: Yup. It absolutely and most certainly is AR. The long answer I believe requires some explanation. Most […]

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This year, I attended the Global Game Jam at METU’s ATOM, rather than BUG at Istanbul. The atmosphere was almost the same as the previous years; a lot of people trying to create a game from scratch, helping out each other in the process, laughing and brainstorming. I would like to also thank the people who organized the event, who were as restless as the developers at the end of the jam. The theme of GGJ ’16 was “ritual”. We […]

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Some practical keyboard tips for the newbie coder

After I started writing code professionally 2 years ago, my code writing speed increased drastically. This definitely has a lot to do with using the same language and framework, however I realized that this increase in speed also applies to different programming languages and frameworks. The key to writing code faster and easier is to have high control over your keyboard. The keyboard is both your friend and your partner in crime. Below I will list some advice on how […]

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Santa’s Slave Drive

Last summer, I met a couple of cool dudes that were determined to get into the virtual reality business. We agreed to build a project as a portfolio item both for me and for them, which resulted in a funny VR game named Santa’s Slave Drive. We also entered the VRTGO VR Contest and was announced as one of the finalists. You can download the PC version here. There is also an Android version if you have a Cardboard but […]

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A New Chapter

Last September, I started graduate school at Bilkent University for my MSc. degree in Computer Engineering. Unlike what I’ve studied for the most part in my undergraduate studies (which was artificial intelligence), I decided to focus on computer graphics for my graduate studies. The reason for this, as people who know me would guess, is simple: video games. Now, of course you don’t really need a Master’s degree to make anything related to video games. Hell, you don’t even need […]

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Stevie the Square Remastered Edition

Gecen seneki GGJ ’14’te Stevie the Square adında bir oyun yapmıştık. Toplamda 48 saatte yaptığımız için oldukça eksiği ve bug’ı vardı haliyle. Son birkaç günümü oyunu daha oynanabilir ve görsellik bakımından daha ilgi çekici bir şekle sokmaya çalıştım. Ortaya aşağıdaki son hali çıktı. Gönlünüzce oynayabilirsiniz. Geçen sene de söylediğim gibi: Yorumlarınızı ve bug report’larınızı esirgemeyin. Stevie’yi sevin. P.S.: Yapımına dahil olduğum oyunları böyle post’lar halinde paylaşıyorum da biraz düzensiz oluyor gibi sanki. Bir ara uğraşıp ayrı sayfaya alacağım hepsini. Şimdilik […]

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GGJ ’15’in ardından

Bu sene de geçen sene olduğu gibi Global Game Jam’e Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi’nin Galata Kampüsü’nde katıldım. Etkinlikten sonra söylemek istediklerim var. Üç gün boyunca saçma sapan abur cubur yiyip toplamda 4 saat falan uyuyarak (bunu kendine yapan bir tek benim bu arada, takım arkadaşlarım hayvan gibi uyudular) Dilemma adlı bir oyun çıkardık ortaya. İki kişilik, görselleri çok tatlı bir oyun oldu bence. Mekaniklerinde hafif sıkıntı var. Yine de beraber oynadığınız kişiye bağırma ve “vurucam iki tane ağzına” deme isteği uyandırabiliyor ama. […]

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Bu seneki Global Game Jam ’15 icin gelistirdigimiz Dilemma adli oyunu buradan oynayabilirsiniz. Dilemma iki kisilik bir oyun ve ayni bilgisayar basindan oynanmasi gerekiyor. How to play kismi biraz outdated kaldigi icin buradan uyarayim; daha fazla puan toplamak icin merkezden uzak olmaniz gerekiyor, yakin degil. Oynarken arkadaslariniza bagirip cagirmaniz ve gerilmeniz dilegiyle…

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60’larin Marvel cizgi romanlari uzerine bir atar

Oncelikle bu yazinin herhangi bir amaci veya ana fikri yok, bastan belirteyim. Muhtemelen 60’larda yazilan cizgi romanlari gunumuzdeki bakis acisiyla  degerlendirmek akil kari falan da degil zaten. Yaklasik bir ay kadar once Marvel Unlimited uyeligi aldim. Simdiye kadar yayinlanmis butun Marvel cizgi romanlarini dijital ortamdan okuyabiliyorsunuz. (Konu bu degil ama Android application’i affedersiniz bok gibi) Cocuklugumda Fox Kids sagolsun butun Marvel serilerinin hikayelerine dair az cok fikir sahibi olmustum. Ama en cok da butun bolumlerini en az 5’er kere izledigim […]

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